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Quantum Chaos- Lecture 4
2020 10 27 NITheP Mini School Introduction to classical and quantum chaos Lecture 4
Quantum chaos, random matrices and statistical physics (Lecture 04) by Arul Lakshminarayan
Mark Srednicki - Quantum chaos and eigenstate thermalization #4
Alexei Kitaev. SYK and Quantum Chaos. Lecture 4.
Peter Zoller: Introduction to quantum optics - Lecture 4
Dario Rosa: Aspects of Many-Body Quantum Chaos - Class 01 of 03
Quantum Chaos- Lecture 5
Quantum Transport 2021. Lecture #4. Quantum cirucit theories
2020 10 20 NITheP Mini School Introduction to classical and quantum chaos Lecture 3
Quantum Chaos- Lecture 3
QChaos2020 - Pavel Kos